Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The new http://tricktraker.com/ web site is born

 The domain http://tricktraker.com/ has been purchased and now has the new version of Trick Traker running on it.

Update: The site name has now been changed to https://www.funtracker.site/map.html.  The site has also been modified a bit to more general purpose fun not just trick tracking.  The main feature shown bellow still exist.

Present Features of Trick Traker:
  • Configurable settings
  • Default user account is auto created, no login needed to post icons and tracks
  • All config settings memorized in browser Local Storage.
  • Map display auto updates with moving tracks and new added icons in real-time
  • Map now has full-screen mode that can enter and exit from.
  • When not in full-screen mode a Menu is now available to switch between Map, Config, Send Trick pages. 
  • Send Trick page allows sending your GPS lat long position when used from a mobile phones like android. (standard computer will also send but not accurate location in most cases)
  • Can create links to send to friends to bring up map views with your location
  • Now have 14 marker icons to choose from and growing
  • New settable time called Track Trail Time to only see tracks and icons on map what was added some number of minutes ago.
  • View a single member or marker contributors track over any period of time by setting of Track ID in configs.
  • Add more popup info on click of marker icon.
  • Default popup info already added with contributor id, timestamp.
  • Config allows modification of what API server to use that contains markers and is the server that you would use to send your targets.
  • server code is setup with CORS to allow API server on different domain than web site.
  • All present project code is open sourced on github  https://github.com/sacarlson/Trick_Tracker

Soon to be added features:
  • TBD

What is tricktraker.com?
 Tricktraker.com was originally thought of to be used to find good girls for hire off the street but has turned into a bit more.  It's really about finding near by fun places to be, in realtime. We have added focus on party marking and location finding.  Ways to tell your friends that this is the place to be at this time.  As your friends can also at some point hook in to be tracked and you can see were a group of them are at any point in time, or you can make new friends that happen to have a party near by your present location.  In some cases with weed parties that are also marked they can still use the police tracking system to keep safe.

We still need more money
The entire project so far has been created with just small donations.  Just think what we could do if we had money to spend on it.  There is nothing we couldn't do.  We are still looking for stake holders in the project.  At present we are looking for an additional 165,000 USD.  We estimate this will be enough to get us started or at least continue development for about 12 months with added consultants and engineers.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Digital Pimp continue development

Update Apr 11 2016:  We have published the first version of Trick Tracker at: https://github.com/sacarlson/Trick_Tracker

We are  using leaflet map in the development of the now renamed website app called "The Trick Tracker".   It looks to make things much simpler than I expected.  The first prototype of a map website with some of  the new custom icon symbols is now fully operational with real time auto updates every 10 seconds here: http://track.surething.biz/map/. that looks like this:

The map now also supports fullpage view that can be entered and exited from the button at the top left of the map (not seen on the above screen shot).

The target entry page of the website can now be accessed directly at: http://track.surething.biz/map/send.html
or can be accessed from the Menu from the map page.

Each target icon symbolizes a different types of tracked items including:

The Sexy Supper Star Icon for girls you would expect to pay 1000+ bhat for.

The Fat Girl Icon:

Nice Normal Girl Icon for a girl that is at least not fat and smiles at you and gives you the 3 second stare indicating she's available to you and expect her to cost less than 1000 baht:

Skinny Small Girl Icon:

Running Cop or Cop in Motion Icon indicating police in pursuit of some girls at this time and place:

Man with money indicating a customer for girls:

Lady Boy icon to symbolize kotoys:

 I'm here icon to show a friend or a girl where you are to help her find you:

New Beer Party icon added:

New Eating Here icon added:

I've also added a few more icons including a static or standing cop indicating he's just there and not chasing any girls yet.  I also have another icon of the police truck that is what they use to pickup the girls so we should keep an eye on it's location.

Update Apr 10 2016 10:16pm
I added the Menu option on Send Trick Position page and new added Config page that allows the setting of the default Map Center lat lon and other new options:  The menu also allows switching to another map screen that also has the menu option, but the default map uses the full page so to make changes in configs you have to manually link to the config or send page at http://track.surething.biz/map/send.html
At the bottom of the Config screen I also added a map link that allows you to send your default settings as a link to send your map info and position to a friend using skype or email or other methods. There is a few things I didn't finish yet that the Configs already have ready to use.  this includes the Track ID.  This will allow you to pick out any members ID and display his last known position and path track over a period of time determined by Track Trail Time (in minutes) that is also settable in config.  All config values are saved in the browser local storage.  At first run it will setup some default values and a random ID number for you.

Update Apr 10 2016
I added a test feature to setup tracks on myself (Scotty) over the last 3 hours so you can get an idea of the path and or if I am moving much at all.  I plan to have this for an option on all users in the future releases.  It will also be an options as to how far back in time the track will display on any tracked object.  Another added feature is a method to send a link to Trick Tracker that positions the center of the map at any point on the planet with options to add an icon at the center lat lon.  I will also later setup default settings of map center at start that will be settable by users in config and stored in the browser storage for the next time you go to the page.

Update Apr 9 2016
The web site now seems to be fully functional and tested on my android Imobile phone as two separate websites. One to control the added icons and another that is just to view what is presently seen on the map.  I will later provide links between the pages to switch between them.  You might notice that the Map website defaults to the location of Pattaya beach as were I live now.  I will later make it so you can set the default position and zoom that will be stored in your browser storage each time you visit the page.  I also have it presently setup on the map section of the site so that the first 10 seconds after you go to the site (no login or sign up needed)  that it will display all the targets collected over all time that are now present in the website database (less the users).  after 10 seconds the page auto refreshes with the user icons added (now only 2 with me Scotty and a test phone that is left in my room).  After 20 seconds on the website it then removes any targets that were not added or updated less than 25 hours before.  After this time the map will auto refresh every 10 seconds with any new target over 25 hours with info and users movements changes shown.  This way you can see what was at your present location just one day before as we find many girls end up in the same place each day about the same time.  You can also click on any target seen on the map to bring up a popup that includes some details of the target including who added it (id code number no names) and time and date that the target was acquired.   In the control website I've setup simple and big buttons as seen above that when you hit one it sends the location of the desired icon target as your present position on the planet.  On the first send of a target, a popup will ask if you want to allow your target to be sent as a security that is built into your browser.  On first entry to the control website a 7 digit random user ID number is generated and saved in your phones browser storage.  This number is also sent with any targets sent by this member over all time every time you run the site from this browser.  This ID number becomes the method that we presently use to reference who has been providing the information of the targets and this id will later be used in determining how accurate the data seen by this member is and weather it should be continued to be allowed to add icons displayed on the site.      

Older info from earlier post:
I will soon have the tracking setup with these symbols as buttons on the app, where a member can mark a location were one of these symbol items can be marked as being seen.  I will also later add color code or gray out as the time of how long ago the item was last seen at this location and then have it disappear after 60 minutes or so.  I will also later over time add new types of symbol items to identify and track other objects including the police truck.  For tracking I found I don't even need the application installed.  We will be using the features in  HTML5 that includes tracking that is supported in many browsers that run on your phone with very good accuracy or even on your standard PC computer as seen from this test example that we are now also running as a prototype to test html5 tracking: http://zipperhead.ddns.net/loc2.html
We can still as an option run the background tracking traccar or other that can run invisible on any android and have autostart at phone bootup to keep a constant track of an item of interest.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Prospectus on “The Digital Pimp” android app development

Prospectus on “The  Trick Tracker” Android App Development

What is The  Trick Tracker App?
The Trick Tracker App as we are now calling it (open for change) is an android software application to aide both prostitutes and the john's in arranging connections and providing safety to both prostitutes (now to be called Janes) and Johns by providing feedback from each party or group. The feedback reports generated by members and detectives will generate detailed profiles on each jane and john that can be searched to find desired params. It will also provide information on present law enforcement activities that are involved in the enforcement of such activities in the area of interest. A map of the desired location will be available with symbles providing locations of janes, johns, law with color code of when last seen. 

Example of first prototype running: 

As you can see we have already started with preliminary research and testing phase of the GPS tracking system of members.  here we now have two members on the list that we want to track shown on the website map.  We are testing using the open source code from traccar https://www.traccar.org to start to build from.  This code has a working example of both the android client app and the server side that is written in java that we plan to use and expand upon.  If you would like to help us test it you are welcome to login to http://zipperhead.ddns.net:8082 user: guest pass: guest.  optionally you can also add yourself to be tracked on the map if you install the android app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.traccar.client.  in the traccar app change the server address domain from demo.traccar.org to zipperhead.ddns.net hit the ok button then start the tracker.  On the zipperhead.ddns.net:8082 webpage you can then add your device number and you nickname that will then add you to the map to allow tracking.  To track members from your phone you can open the website in chrome or most any browser you have installed on your android.  I  note the zipperhead web site above works very well from my Imobile android phone when used from the Google Chrome browser app on android.  I should also add that this is just a prototype test of one part of the system that we are designing.  This is not the end site that will be used in the final application.

What feature will the Trick Tracker App have?
The app will involve the use of the GPS tracking feature of android phones that will be used to track the location of presently active john's and prostitutes in a given radius range of interest. To provide safety to the girls there will be a profile of each john that will contain his picture, the number of other girls that he has had (provided by other girls that have had him) and a statement that he is not a law enforcement agent of any kind. Any police or government agent that are detected as members of the system will be band from usage until proven otherwise. Advanced facial recognition software will be used to prevent duplicate usage of accounts as a different nick name, to prevent police or any other member from again trying to join with a new nickname. On the john side of the app men (or women?) can find the locations of girls in there proximity and view a profile of the girls that will optionally contain photo's (photo will still be on record for biometrics). It can also contain rankings from other johns that have had her in the past that may also help determine that she is not a government agent setup for as a sting operation. johns can also submit girls into the system that will aid in tracking girls that don't apply to the system themselves. The reports can also be auto linked together if a photo is submitted and processed with facial recognition to provide all the reports on any single individual. Girls the same way can also submit reports on men that they have had as consumers to submit good or bad reports on. Any one on the system can also submit a report if they see a policeman at any time that they see as a threat at there location with a simple click (see cop). This data will show up on the system map page as color coded dots as to how long ago a law enforcement agent was last seen in a location and dots of the locations of both johns and janes that have also been seen or detected and how they rank at the time. This application will originally be specifically designed to support Pattaya that has the biggest percentage of prostitutes to residents in the world but it should also work in most any other place on the planet as there is not much difference in what is needed no mater what the location.

What is needed?
I am going to attempt to start development of the application myself and with my own out of pocket funds to pay for infrastructure and continued costs, but I feel it will take me too long to finish and will never be the quality that I really want if I have to do it alone. So what we need is money to spend on the development. I see the entire project costing about 165,000 USD to be completed in about 12 months with the help of 4 full time software engineers and some other staff with some added part timers and specialists contracts. With less money it will just take longer to complete and won't have all the desired features. Also part of the funds would be used to setup the first database using paid investigators to collect and maintain for a time to get it started before the members continued to collect what data is needed. There will also be continued infrastructure costs for database and website support and system admin, that will continue even after software development is mostly completed and maybe problems with governments trying to close it down if we did start such a thing and it got popular. So we might later also need uncentralized infrastructure using something like Etherium that can't be shutdown by governments. This part of the development will end up costing more money, but will make it an unbreakable entity in itself.

How will the system be funded?
The software development capital needed could be funded by something like kickstarter or if they don't accept such projects we would have to submit equity shares in the project in some way to collect the needed startup and maintenance capital. Later funds can be collected from members for added services fee that would include police, janes, john tracking, message sending between members and other services. Each of the added services will start as free, but will later be added fees at very reasonable rates of like 30 baht per month or 300 baht per year to be a VIP member with all privileges to start. For different regions we may charge different fee's rates.

How to get started?
The project will be broken into stages. My first plans are to develop a simple tracking app on android that sends updates of location to a web database. To me this is one of the most complex and most needed parts of the android app. Other parts of the android application of uploading images to the central database should not be as difficult. Most of the system application will be performed on the website and or cloud side. To start this part of the application will run on my local Linux system but will later be moved to a virtual web cloud server. The more advanced cloud application part includes facial recognition that will be in the later stages of development, will be another one of the most complex parts of the system. In stage 3 if needed we have to convert web site and cloud infrastructure into uncentralized Etherium for all cloud based activity. We won't have to worry so much about this stage until we start getting popular and start having governmental problems but I'm sure in the long run this will be needed and costly in time and money.

Foreseen problems
I see problems on three sides, the technical and legal governmental and popularity sales sides. At this point I can only focus on what I'm good at, that being the technical side. But we should also focus on the problem of how to popularize/sell the systems usage, Making a user friendly easy to use feature rich interface. Later we will probably have to deal with governments dislike of an app that can circumvent crime enforcement. Maybe for some window of time the system may have to go underground to prevent government involvement, but I hope to find a better solution using uncentralized cloud systems and Biometric authentication. The problem with biometric authentication can also be self incrimination of members by submitting this information. So the database must be encrypted and used in a manner that prevents it from ever being used against any members by law enforcement.

New feature ideas:
Geo fencing using https://github.com/mrmans0n/smart-location-lib with GeofenceModel mestalla = new GeofenceModel.Builder("id_mestalla"). This would allow auto disabling tracking within a set radius of one or more points, example your home so girls don't get tracked all the way to where they live or do a day job.

I had a lot of input feedback about changing the name of the app that I think is important and I will add the suggestions here.
digital wingman
HoPS or Ho positioning system
BGF or Bad Girl Finder
courtesan detective
Digital Pimp
puuber ( that is derived from the uber taxi service with pubic added)

• Planed usage of OpenBR http://openbiometrics.org open source facial recognition

• Create bookings requests for girls (setup appointments) with a small prepayment required.  for this you have to be on the girls oked list.  The girl also sets up the time and days she is working on the list.

• Girl auctions.  setup actions for a time and date

• Message girls to see if you might like each other or not

 With enuf funding, there is no end to services that we can provide to help circumvent governments involvement in the worlds oldest known occupation and to provide access to better safer services for johns and provide better money making opportunities and a safer environment for janes.